January 2025
Dear Diary (to My Friends),
2025 marks my 22nd year as a published comic creator, and I say this because — as it stands right now — this coming year could well be the most exciting year of my comic career to date.
After a successful Kickstarter campaign, my Native American-infused werewolf western graphic novel HOMESTEAD with co-creator Les Lindon Garner will be available in book stores and on Amazon in a few months, and as I am typing this we’re only weeks away from the new definitive edition of LOVE STORIES ABOUT DEATH arriving at the fulfillment center before then getting into the hands of Kickstarter backers everywhere.
Right around that time LONDON AFTER MIDNIGHT: THE OFFICIAL GRAPHIC NOVEL ADAPTATION will then be heading to the printer, capping off an experience I never dreamed possible in regards to bringing this long-lost classic horror movie back to life.
Aside from these projects, I’m looking at bringing three new graphic novels to Kickstarter in 2025, too.
First off is the long-teased new graphic novel based on a previously unpublished story by New York Times #1 Best-Selling Horror author Josh Malerman. This new graphic novel, titled RSVP: E.S.P. has been adapted into a 120-page graphic novel by me, illustrated by Joshua Ross, colored by Colin Johnson, lettered by Dave Lentz and edited by Drena Jo.
RSVP E.S.P. is the story of a scientist who invites two potentially psychic children into his home lab to determine if their powers are real… only for what happens next to be more than all three of them bargained for, and it will be launching on Kickstarter in February or March, latest.
After that will be my return to my longest-running book series with TALES OF MR. RHEE Volume 6: “The Amnesiac Angel”, the second story in “Act Two” of this horror noir epic. With this volume Austin McKinley becomes the first artist to illustrate two full TALES OF MR. RHEE volumes back-to-back!
This latest TALES OF MR. RHEE story picks up almost immediately after the previous volume (so those of you who’ve been on the edges of your seats since Volume 5’s cliffhanger — rejoice!), but it’s also a perfect jumping-on point for new readers, too, meaning if this will be your first venture into this series and you like it (SPOILER: you will!), you can move both backwards and forwards following the story of our favorite paranormal troubleshooter.
Finally, my plans for 2025 look to be rounding-out with a new original graphic novel that returns me directly to my roots of NIGHTMARE WORLD with a story that takes place directly in the confines of that series! FROG SWEAT is being illustrated by my HOMESTEAD co-creator Les Lindon Garner, and it may be my most dread-laden book of my career to date.
So, for those of you keeping track at home, that’s another creative collaboration with a fellow horror writer, a sequel, and a new original graphic novel all for 2025. It’s a good spread for the year ahead!
I have a few other irons in the fire, too, and as much as I want to get to the point on those (heh), I learned a long time ago to not talk about things until they’re official… but rest assured, even more big things look to be ahead, and I hope to have a major contract signed by my half-century birthday at the end of this month.
In regards to live appearances, I’m doing my best to stick to no more than two convention or/and signing appearances a month, and am already filling my schedule through the end of the year! It’s a privilege to be in this position, I know how much I owe so much of you for it, and I look forward to continuing to pay it forward to you all.
If you want to know where I’m going to be when in regards to conventions and signing appearances, make sure you’re signed-up for my monthly newsletter (the form is on the front page of this very website) and/or keep your eyes peeled on my “Events Calendar” also hosted on this very website you’re reading right now HERE.
As I said back in July, and said at the beginning of this post, I’ll say once more again now: I’m very excited about the year ahead, and I most sincerely can’t wait to celebrate more new graphic novel releases with you all!
Thank you all for supporting good horror! Upward and onward!
Your friend in comics,
Dirk Manning

“What do you mean you only look like that on the Internet?”