July 2021

Dear Diary (to My Friends),
I had a great meeting with my publisher Source Point Press last week which, in part, helped me lay the groundwork for my publishing schedule for the next twelve months or so.
Part of me shudders to state that publicly, because the last time I announced my plans that far out the world shut down for over a year, but all you can do when faced with such adversity is reflect, reevaluate, and move forward accordingly.
To that end, I’m very, very excited about, well, everything, honestly… but I’d like to take a moment to talk about some updates to the site here, first, and how you can use some of the new features here for a better browsing experience.
Conventions are opening up again starting this month, and here on this very website you can now now add my convention dates to your Google Calendar from my new “Events Calendar” page. Isn’t technology grand?
My YouTube Channel has now also been updated with several playlists. I haven’t started adding original content yet, but there are plans to do so in 2022. (Don’t cringe — it’s not that far away at this point!) In the meantime, there’s lots of fun stuff on there to check out, including podcast appearances with Tony Schiavone and Twiztid, motion comics, and more. I’ve spared you all putting any of my legendary comic con karaoke appearances up there. You’re welcome.
I also did a very thorough update to my Bibliography, making it the most thorough it’s ever been. Not only are several comics now documented that have never been listed before (including an anthology from over a decade ago that I didn’t even know I had one of my stories published in it!), but I’ve also including a full listing of all the books and comics which I’ve written forewords for as well. It’s pretty wild to see EVERYTHING I’ve written laid out like that, and I hope you’ll all enjoy checking it out, too. There’s some rare treats on there if you’re a collector who wants to get everything.
Website updates aside, and as mentioned at the beginning of this update, I’m excited about the slate of books on the horizon, too.
Dates have been set for Twiztid Haunted High-Ons Volume 2: “The Curse of the Green Book” (there will be a special debut of the first issue at Astronomicon 4in Ann Arbor, Michigan, Butts in Seats: The Tony Schiavone Story is prepping for print as I type this, and Tales of Mr. Rhee Volume 5 (along with a Tales of Mr. Rhee Act One Compendium) and The Adventures of Cthulhu Jr. full graphic novel are both on deck after that… for starters.
While we all still have to use some common sense safety techniques as we begin to gather again, I most sincerely look forward to seeing you all on the road soon, and sharing all the new books with you!

(FUN FACT: Dirk Manning does not wear a top hat and scarf in real life)
“What do you mean you only look like that on the Internet?”
▪ The F(r)iends of Dirk Manning Support Group is the coolest group on Facebook
▪ I also have a standard Facebook page
▪ Sometimes I say things on Twitter
▪ I’m almost too ugly for Instagram
▪ You can get most of my books on Amazon
▪ Digital copies of my comics are on Comixology
▪ Yeah, I’m also on LinkedIn
▪ I’m definitely too ugly for SnapChat