January 2022
Dear Diary (to My Friends),
As we enter 2022, I think it’s safe to say that the only thing to expect is the unexpected. Regardless, though, the work continues, both prepping the release of previously scheduled books as well as working on new ones that will be released in the coming months — hopefully sooner than later.
Conventions are starting to repopulate their regular dates, while some using this year to begin to slide back to the dates they are historically renowned for. Regardless, my “Events Calendar” remains up to date and will continue to be updated throughout the year. As I type this I already have several appearances lined-up between February and April, and I’m already finalizing appearances for May and into the summer. Wear your masks, get your vaccines (as possible), and/or do whatever else you have to so we can all continue to gather safely at conventions, friends!
My YouTube Channel continues to be populated with more and more podcasts, interviews, and even panel appearances on my “Playlist,” and I encourage you to take a moment to “Subscribe” if you haven’t yet, as that way you will be notified when I start to add original content too.
I’ve also done even more updates to my Bibliography since last July, adding even more books I’ve written “Forewords” to as well as the books I’ve had published last year and thus far this year. As weird as this may sound (and as weird as it is for me to admit this publicly), I also only recently discovered that one of my Nightmare World stories was published in a comic I didn’t know about, so I added that to the list, too (and secured myself a copy of the book in question, of course).
Finally, while I also have some trepidation about what the next several months may hold, I’m also very excited about the year ahead. As is the case every January, my newest monthly newsletter (which you can sign-up for at the front page of this very website) has announced several new books I’m working on, including Tales of Mr. Rhee Volume 5: “Rockstar Paranoia” and the Tales of Mr. Rhee Omnibus: Act One from Source Point Press as well as Hope Volume 2 and The Adventures of Cthulhu Jr & Dastardly Dirk among a few other surprise releases. If you don’t receive the monthly newsletter, I encourage you to sign-up for it now. Yes, we live in a day and age of social media, but there’s a lot of value in a monthly correspondence that can’t be duplicated on such platforms… and I’ll never give your email address to anyone else, ever, so you don’t have to worry about getting on any other lists, either.
All of that being said, here’s to wishing all of you good health and well wishes as we enter 2022 together! Be good to yourselves and each other, friends. I look forward to providing you enjoyable reading material and/or seeing you on the road soon!
“What do you mean you only look like that on the Internet?”
▪ The F(r)iends of Dirk Manning Support Group is the coolest group on Facebook
▪ I also have a standard Facebook page
▪ Sometimes I say things on Twitter
▪ I’m almost too ugly for Instagram
▪ You can get most of my books on Amazon
▪ Digital copies of my comics are on Comixology
▪ Yeah, I’m also on LinkedIn
▪ I’m definitely too ugly for SnapChat